With the holiday season upon us I thought what better time than to post my wishlist of food related gifts!  I won’t lie, I love the commercial aspect of Christmas… my life is dull and I NEVER get presents so having a day where I can get a present and not feel guilty totally appeals to me.  Granted, my gift-giving circle is VERY small… but that’s besides the points.

Here are my picks in no particular order…

A membership to the Bacon of the Month Club!
I make no apologies for my love of bacon so why not celebrate it ALL YEAR?

bacon of the month club

A Holy Cross Abbey Monastery Fruitcake
I know, you think that Fruitcakes are lame but you haven’t tried THIS fruitcake.  It’s delicious and it feels nice knowing that a bunch of nuns made it.

Monastery Fruitcake

The KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

I am forever coveting this bugger.  It will be mine one day.  I asked my mom to buy one for me one day and she said “sure, for your wedding” and the burst out laughing.  ouch.

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

Colourful Rings Cutting Board from MoMA
I would want to chop and slice the days away with this fun cutting board!

Colourful Rings Cutting Board

A Trip to Paris to take a Cooking Class with Patricia Wells
Decadent, I know. But Patricia Wells seems fabulous. I love her love of veggies. AND Ina loves her. And if it’s good enough for Ina…

Patricia Wells

Ron Popeil’s Food Dehydrator
When I was young I used to LOVE this guy’s infomercial. A piece of me still wants the dehydrator. tear.

Ron Popeil's Food Dehydrator

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3 Responses to Food Gifts on My Mind

  1. […] by whatsonmyplate on December 13, 2009 Last year I put together my wish list for the holiday season. While I haven’t acquired a single on that list I thought I’d […]

  2. […] by whatsonmyplate on December 13, 2009 Last year I put together my wish list for the holiday season. While I haven’t acquired a single on that list I thought I’d […]

  3. […] by whatsonmyplate on December 13, 2009 Last year I put together my wish list for the holiday season. While I haven’t acquired a single on that list I thought I’d […]

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