Last year I had some fun blogging about my Food Goals for 2009. I fulfilled some of my goals, moved beyond some goals and plain forgot about others.  With a new decade, a continuously evolving relationship with food and some more disposable income comes new food goals.

Eat more fruits and vegetables – okay, I admit, this is the lamest goal EVER.  But I’ve really fallen off of the produce bandwagon recently.  The game plan is to start making fresh juices for breakfast.

Bake more bread – this was on my list last year but I didn’t really deliver so well.  Next year I’ll make more bread… rye, olive, whole wheat!

Master pizza making– homemade pizza is often kind of crappy.  This year I want to experiment with some new pizza making techniques so that I have the perfect crust and great toppings.

Shop at farmer’s markets more often – towards the end of the year I rediscovered my love of farmer’s markets.  At least once a month I want to take advantage of farmer’s markets.  There’s even once near my apartment that I’ve never been to!  I’ll change that up.

Eat Pho – I’ve never had pho.  This year my “pho-cherry” will get popped.

Smoke meat in my apartment – apparently building an indoor smoker is pretty easy.  This year I’ll discover and chronicle how easy it really is.

Eat out more often– for a while I didn’t really eat out at a lot of restaurants in Toronto.  Now I have a new food lovin’ crew to try some new restaurants with so I’ll be hitting the town more often.

More cleanses – this year I realized that doing cleanses or eliminating certain foods has a really positive effect on my body.  While eliminating certain foods all the time isn’t something I really aspire to, doing this periodically is something I’m down with.

That’s it! Nothing too crazy.  I’ll check in midyear to see how it’s all going.

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