After my recent visit to Babbo I was obsessed with the blueberry upside-down cake that I had for dessert. So when I went blueberry picking and ended up with a TON of blueberries I knew that I wanted to make something similar.

After searching high and low for the exact recipe I ended up finding this recipe from Bon App.  It hit on the elements of the cake that I had at Babbo that I ordered — bluberry topping, almond cake — so I figured it was worth a try.

I was a bit nervous about making the upside-down portion of the cake because I’ve done that before with not so great results.  This time I was smarter and didn’t use a springform pan and just used a regular square baking pan.

When it came down to making the cake part I realized that I didn’t know what almond paste was OR where to buy it.  It did however sound like the type of thing that I could just make myself.  So I did! I used this recipe that I found on a blog. I didn’t have almond extract so I used a bit of vanilla extract instead (note to self: learn how to make almond extract).  Totally easy and probably a lot cheaper than buying almond paste.  The rest of the cake was easy enough to assemble, especially with the use of my stand mixer!  Pure love.

While the cake didn’t look GORGEOUS in the end it did taste delicious.  The combination of blueberries and lemons was lovely with the almond-based cake.  I did have a bit of trouble getting all of the topping out but once I slapped it back together it all was just fine.

Did this rival the dessert I had at Babbo?  Not quite but it was a good substitution to fulfill my craving AND use up some freshly picked blueberries.

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2 Responses to Lemon and Blueberry Upside-Down Cake

  1. says:

    {new blog entry} Lemon and Blueberry Upside-Down Cake

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  2. Fran says:

    This looks delicious to me!!

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