A few months ago I posted about my trip to One Love Vegetarian restaurant where I finally got to try their famous corn soup.  It was delicious and I could totally eat that all the time.

Since corn has been so fantastic this summer I decided to make the soup at home using this recipe from the Food Network which comes from the folks at the restaurant.

The soup is a mix of corn, pumpkin (or squash), split peas, carrots and other vegetables.  Nothing is too hard to track down although I used a blend of spices instead of Mrs. Dash.  I also didn’t have frozen vegetable mix on hand and was going to use peas instead but then I realized that my peas were past their prime.  Next time I’ll definitely get the frozen vegetables.

This turned out pretty good but not as good as a the restaurant.  I think they definitely had put a few more dashes of love in their soup than I did.  I also thought my soup was on the thin side and could haven used more body.  I think some more split pea  would have solved that and quickly blending them with an immersion blender would help more.  Also using a starchier potato would be a nice touch.  Overall it was delicious and a nice filling soup.

It’s important to note that this recipe is not only vegetarian but vegan and probably (correct me if I’m wrong) gluten-free.  But of course can be modified to be none of those things :)

The recipe makes A LOT of soup.  I just about halved it and still had to freeze some.  When I froze the soup I removed the corn cobs (wasn’t sure how they would hold up) so I think when I defrost the soup I might throw in some shredded chicken and maybe a bit more coconut milk and maybe even a dash of curry.  I’m getting hungry just thinking about this.

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4 Responses to One Love Vegetarian : Corn Soup

  1. says:

    {new blog entry} One Love Vegetarian : Corn Soup http://goo.gl/fb/62WWm

    This comment was originally posted on

  2. says:

    Trying this tonight! @wonTONfm {new blog entry} One Love Vegetarian : Corn Soup http://bit.ly/a8TOsn

    This comment was originally posted on

  3. Marie says:

    This looks great – I am definitely going to try it. I just saw some frozen pesto in my freezer and realized it is getting to be soup season!

  4. janet says:

    You have piqued my curiosity about One Love! I am sorry the soup didn’t live up to your expectations but at least it was still tasty. I wonder how much improv goes on in the kitchen because I tried Canoe’s Wild Rice Pudding at home as well and it wasn’t as good as I had hoped either.

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