My dear friend Shea posted this recipe for Oven Fries on her fabulous blog, Hungry in Brooklyn that I couldn’t resist trying.  I mean I love fries (I always have a bag of frozen ones in the freezer, guilty pleasure) and never feel like heating up oil to fry them.  So oven fries are always the way to go.  I don’t have a killer recipe for oven fries though, they always come out like… potatoes cooked in the oven.  Needless to say I’m on a constant quest to step up my oven fry game.

What makes this recipe unique is that you sautee the fries in oil on the stove before combining them with herbs and popping them in the oven.  The sauteeing step is brilliant, brilliant I tell you! You allow the fries to soften and then they get some colour in the oven.

Now this is a BIT more time consuming than just throwing the fries in the oven but it’s definitely worth it.  I also appreciated the dash of herbs in there as well.  To be extra fancy I sprinkled some grated Parmesan on the top. Delicious.  In a future post I’ll let you know what I served these babies with…

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8 Responses to Easy Oven Fries

  1. says:

    {new blog entry} Easy Oven Fries

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  2. max says:

    I’m soooo trying this. Can I use olive oil? I no likey grapeseed oil.

    • whatsonmyplate says:

      Hey ladies! You can use olive oil. The only issue with it is that it has a stronger flavour and I believe a lower smoking point. If those things don’t bother you then proceed! I used vegetable of canola oil. xoxo

  3. Fran says:

    I love love love fries. I’m definitely trying this recipe…may I swap the grapeseed oil for olive oil?

  4. says:

    @wonTONfm I made your oven fries yesterday – HUGE success! I never would have thought to sautee/cook first.

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  5. LisaDay says:

    They look great. I am on the quest for a good sweet potato fry in the oven. I can’t seem to get them right.


  6. says:

    oh my, this ( makes me want to drop everything and go buy potatoes. (from @WOMPblog)

    This comment was originally posted on

  7. […] just set it, and forget it!  The mussels were ready in about 5-8 minutes.  I served this with my Easy Oven Fries and a glass of Henry of Pelham Non-Oaked Chardonnay for a perfect […]

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