Barefoot Contessa's Mac and CheeseI’m forever on the hunt for amazing macaroni and cheese recipes.  Sure, macaroni and cheese is easy enough to make but I’m always looking to find the perfect ration of pasta to cheese to bechamel. My last attempt at mac and cheese was pretty lackluster so I wanted to step up my game.

Enter Barefoot Contessa. I figured she would have a great recipe for mac and cheese so I checked out and came across this recipe from Barefoot Contessa Family Style. It uses old cheddar and Gruyere so I knew it would be rich and cheesy.

This mac and cheese is on the pricier side because of the amount of and types of cheese used.  AND to add insult to injury the lady at the cheese store gave me double the amount of Gruyere than I ordered.  I wasn’t paying attention when she weighed but new the price sounded high.  I came home and weighed the cheese and it was double the amount.  Amateurs.

There wasn’t really anything to special about the technique used to make the mac and cheese.  The recipe calls for tomatoes to be integrated but I wasn’t feeling that at all so I left the out.  The only extra things I like in my mac and cheese are caramelized onions and bacon.  I didn’t add anything extra this time I around because I wanted something simple.

I did something different this time around.  Normally when a mac and cheese recipe calls for a breadcrumb topping I immediately say PASS.  I’d rather a brown cheesy topping.  This time I decided to throw caution to the wind and go all the way with the breadcrumbs and I have to admit, it was a lovely addition.  It added a nice buttery crunch and some contrasting texture.  Not bad Ina, not bad.

I’m definitely a fan of this recipe.  It was the perfect consistency.  Not too watery, just creamy enough and even the noodles weren’t too soggy.  This will definitely be my base recipe for future mac and cheese endeavours.

One Response to Mac and Cheese

  1. nothing quite like comfort food all jazzed up! I love the cheese selection in this one. And don’t be so hard on the cheese lady…now you have the perfect mid-day snack;) :)

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