I recently went on a bit of a roadtrip to Prince Edward County, Ontario for an afternoon of strawberry picking.  I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to pick berries at a farm vs. one of the pick-your-own operations.  This basically meant that we had an entire farm all to ourselves.  It was pretty crazy.  I’ve been strawberry picking before but this time was different.  Maybe it’s just me getting older but within about 5 minutes of starting both my friend and I were a bit “done” with picking berries.  It’s hard work!  All sorts of bending and squatting.  Sun beating down on you.  Sore joints and lower back.  Holy!  I vowed never to complain about the price of berries at the farmers market because the work ain’t easy.

In the end we ended up with about 5 or 6 baskets (are those pints?) each of berries that weren’t going to last too long!  Of course I ate a ton but also needed some ways to use them up.  I decided to turn to David Lebovitz’s book to see what type of frozen treats I could make with strawberries.

I was immediately drawn to this recipe for strawberry yogurt since I already had all of the ingredients on hand and I love strawberry frozen yogurt!

I bought an ice cream maker years ago when I lived in NYC and for the first summer made ice cream all the time. I did a ton of experimenting with different levels of fat, flavours etc. Somewhere along the way I stopped making ice cream. It was great to bring out the machine and give it a go.

This frozen yogurt is likely not what you would expect. It’s not very heavy on the dairy and doesn’t have that creaminess that you get when you go to a Yogen Fruz (you know where they mix the yogurt bar with a bit of fruit). Instead the focus here is all on the fruit. No complaints here. I loved the intensity of the strawberry flavour (augmented by sugar and some vodka) as well as the intense berry colour.

Things have been hot and sticky here for the past few days and this frozen yogurt has been a blessing in the cool down process.

Click Here for the recipe!

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4 Responses to Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

  1. Nothing like fresh berries in a frozen treat. Great pics.

  2. Kelly says:

    What a great dessert and I love that its healthier than normal frozen yogurt, delish!! :)

  3. Lovely dessert. For some reason your post reminds me of my latest post with different recipe…..have a great day:)

  4. […] my recent strawberry picking exploits I ended up with a lot of berries. I didn’t want to make jam so I needed some ideas. I thought […]

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