Going through recent posts it feels like I’ve barely posted any dinner ideas as of late.  Between traveling updates, my balcony garden and lots of desserts, it seems that dinner has fallen to the wayside.  Truth be told in the summer I get a bit lazy and will do a lot of random market goodness meals, but I guess I’ve also been cooking a lot of old favourites vs. experimenting.  There’s just something about the pace of summer that switches things up.

I’m forever on the hunt for new ways to cook fish.  Fish fillets are one of my favourite things to have in the freezer because they don’t take long to defrost and I’m more likely to have a healthy meal if I’m doing it up with fish.

Usually when I’m looking for something new to try I’ll check a site like Epicurious for inspiration. On this particular day I knew that I wanted to make something with sole and was kind of leaning towards making the classic French dish, Sole Amandine.  While not really a classic I was intrigued by this recipe. I’m a sucker for Brussels sprouts, so this was totally up my alley.

This recipe is super simple and perfect for a light meal. This would have worked nicely with some boiled potatoes but I opted to just stick with fish and sprouts.  I’m excited to make this again when I can eat Brussels sprouts from my own garden… assuming they ever turn into Brussels sprouts!



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One Response to Sole Amandine with Shredded Brussels Sprouts

  1. Kelly says:

    Oh I love this! So delicious and such a gorgeous presentation, yummy! :)

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