salmon pieces simmered in a bengali-mustard sauce

As I’ve mentioned before salmon is a staple in my kitchen. For better or worse. Truth be told I’m getting kind of tired of salmon. It’s not the most interesting fish. It’s ALWAYS around. And it’s an easy fish to make look good. Maybe I just need a challenge, but I’m kind of bored with salmon.

Despite being bored, I have a lot of salmon in my freezer to go through which means playing around with different flavours. I’ve been wanting to do a fish with Indian flavours and this recipe by Madhur Jaffrey sounded just about right.

One thing I love about my kitchen is just how stocked my spice cupboard is. I make food from a variety of different cultures so I’m constantly buying new spices. Even I was surprised to see that I had every single spice required for the recipe including brown mustard seeds and fennel seeds. Who knew?

This is one of those dishes that is quick and ridiculously easy. The salmon only has to marinate for 30 minutes and then the actual cooking time is pretty negligible. If you know how to stir and simmer you can make this.

The salmon turned out well, although I wish there was a bit more sauciness to it. There was a lot of flavour because of all the spices and a nice kick of heat from the chilies. I served this with rice and if I weren’t feeling lazy would’ve made a vegetable alongside, but that wasn’t in the cards.



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