Ok folks, it’s that time of year again… RHUBARB SEASON!  I’ve been hearing reports of people buying rhubarb for the past few weeks and I finally got around to grabbing a pound of the stuff while on a recent market trip.

I find that whenever I buy rhubarb I don’t have a specific use in mind.  I just go all googly-eyed when I see it, snatch it up and think about a plan later.  So far that strategy has worked for me.  This time around (as per usual) I wanted to make something that I hadn’t made before.  I’ve made tarts, and pudding cakes and country cakes so those were all out.  A search for rhubarb recipes turns up a lot of compotes which I wasn’t really feeling.  That’s when I stumbled across this recipe for bread pudding!  I was totally on board… until while grocery shopping I didn’t feel like going all the way.  Since I’m moving I hate the idea of buying stuff that I won’t consume over the next 2+ months which is why I didn’t want to buy raspberry preserves.  Well that and also the snob in me wish I had homemade raspberry preserves on hand.  I also for some reason didn’t feel like buying whipping cream… that one I can’t explain.

So with about 3/4 of the ingredients secured for that recipe I decided to flip the script and try something new.  I was intrigued by this recipe and decided to adapt it somewhat.  It pretty much had me at whiskey sauce.  What I ended up doing was a mishmash of ingredients and techniques from both recipes to make the ultimate rhubarb bread pudding.

I started off by soaking slices of challah (or as I say it in my head… HOLLLAAAAA) in a gingery custard for about two hours.  Then I mixed the bread with rhubarb, strawberries and sugar and baked that ish up.  When it was all puffy and golden brown I let it sit while whipping up a buttery brandy sauce.

The results were amazing.  Why have I been sleeping on bread pudding?  It is goodness in a bowl.  It’s all warm and soft and sweet with bits of fruit in it. AND I get to pour booze over it? Sign. Me. Up.



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2 Responses to Gingery Rhubarb and Strawberry Bread Pudding

  1. Anna says:

    Hi there. Great blog. I discovered it while at the dog park of all places! A fellow dog owner was giving away fresh arugula from his garden. He had more than he and his family could use. I mentioned I had a food blog and he said that his daughter’s friend (that’s you) has a food blog too. So here I am. The arugula was lovely too. Amazing what you can learn at the dog park!

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