lentils with broiled eggplant

Okay, I know I’ve waxed poetic about my love of the Ottolenghi cookbooks.  Basically, I’m pretty obsessed with both and right now.  It’s basically been a hit parade whenever I cook something from these two books.  The hype is definitely worth it.

Those who know me know that I don’t spend too much time obsessing over what I eat.  Sure, I spend time planning out what I’m going to eat in any given week, but I don’t really think about balancing carbs vs. meat vs. vegetarian meals.  My theory is that I just listen to what my body wants and assume it will all balance itself out.  I think it usually does.  Sometimes my body wants steak and sometimes it wants veggies.  As long as I listen it tends to work itself out.

The other day I was after something a bit veg-based so I turned to Plenty for inspiration where I came across this dish.  I’m a huge fan of lentils and eggplant so this recipe had me at “hello”.  I was intrigued by the contrast in textures… the bite of the lentils, the crunch of the vegetables, the smoothness of the eggplant and the cool creaminess of the yogurt on top.

To be honest, I wasn’t really sure how this one was going to turn out.  I like the components individually but something about this didn’t scream out “meal” to me at all.  But I plowed through anyway and of course it was great!  I’m a big fan of dishes that force me to make the perfect bite.  You all know about the perfect bite, right?  It’s when you get that one forkful that has a little bit of each component of the dish.  Fewer things in life make me happier than the perfect bite I tell you.  Give this one a go.


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