Truth be told, I’m kind of obsessed with cookbooks. When I was younger I would read cookbooks from cover to cover instead of story books sometimes. Here’s a list of my extensive cookbook collection that I’ve amassed over the years. Some I’ve bought, some have been gifts and some were obtained when I worked in the TV world. While this list has about 60 books on it, I do have a cookbook wishlist!

Anything with a (*) means that I love it that much more!






















5 Responses to My Cookbooks

  1. Sylvia says:

    I thought i was the only person obsessed with cookbooks!! I too would read them cover to cover like a novel putting bits of paper in places i wanted to go back to or a recipe i wanted to make. I have amaased about 2,000 cookbooks and cant seem to stop looking for them. I is also very interesting to me to see them on a shelf in orde of purchase and actuially see the trends in cooking change over the years.

  2. Gayla says:

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cookbooks!! I can’t keep buying them, so I have taken to going to the library, taking out a few cookbooks and then copying out the recipes I want to try into a OneNote program. I try them and if I don’t like it, I delete it. If I like several out of one book, I’ll buy the book or put it on a wishlist.

  3. With 60 cookbooks you are just a cookbook beginner ;). Our current cookbook collections has now more than 500 cookbooks. We recently tend to focus more on very regional cookbooks from all over the world or more cookbooks from high-end restaurants to replicate some of the dishes we had.

  4. Erin says:

    Great list! Two of our very favourites are: Lucy Waverman’s Lucy’s Kitchen and Bonnie Stern’s Friday Night Dinners. Two local gals to boot!

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