I’ve always heard of burgers being served on English muffins.  And I’ve always been a bit weary about them.  Doesn’t the whole idea sound a bit like something Rachael Ray would dream up and call it a “sammie”?

I was on David Lebovitz’ site and he posted about his recent NYC trip and on this trip he went to Prune where he had a fabulous burger sold on an English muffin. I was sold. AND I happened to have 2lbs of ground beef in my freezer from Whole Foods (it was on a great sale) so making the burger would be easy.

I was going to do my usual burger toppings, lettuce, tomato, onion etc but I didn’t feel like going to buy lettuce or tomatoes so I decided to use things that were in my fridge.  Luckily I found mushrooms, bacon and Swiss cheese in my fridge so my burger would be pretty killer!  I also found zucchini which I decided would be broiled and would replace the usual fries.

I used about 1/4lb of beef per patty which was the perfect serving for me (and for the English muffin).  I caramelized some onion and sauteed the mushrooms in a bit of bacon fat (mmmm bacon fat).  I toasted up the English muffin so there would be a nice little crunch to it.

The burger was pretty darned good if I do say so myself.  The English muffin is a lot sturdier than a typical hamburger bun and stayed together nicely. My toppings were pretty amazing as well and I didn’t even use any ketchup or mustard (and I ALWAYS use mustard).

English muffins won’t be my bun of choice all the time but they sure are a great alternative.

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6 Responses to English Muffin Burger

  1. says:

    {new blog entry} English Muffin Burger http://goo.gl/fb/S8OZi

    This comment was originally posted on

  2. Fran says:

    Thanks for the inspiration. I’m going to figure out to choose a zucchini and broil it. I think there was another dish that you made with zucchini and I loved it… zucchini is turning out to be like fennel for me :-)

  3. Kristin says:

    How were the zucchini fries?
    I made the peach upside-down cake. I am waiting to get my camera cord back from my sister to send the photos to you. As soon as it is returned, I will send you them. It turned out really well. I think it probably tastes about the same too. Thanks T :)

  4. John F says:

    I love the way the nooks and crannies suck up the meat juices and the condiments.

    That photography is gorgeous. You did it yourself?

    • whatsonmyplate says:

      Hey John!

      Thanks for the compliment. I take the photos myself. My photos have greatly improved with natural lighting and a bit of photoshop.

  5. Marie says:

    On Fire Island my house-mates only eat burgers on English Muffins. Between that and breakfast, we must go through three dozen a weekend. It must be a low-carb option, as I am the only excessive carb/bread eater out there.

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