
Back to blogging!  The school year is winding down which is kind of crazy and kind of sad.  While I’m super excited for my summer gig it will definitely be a bit of an adjustment getting back into working mode.  It will NOT be an adjustment having no homework though. Hollllerrr!

Spring quarter is basically the fun quarter since you’re already into your routine, recruiting is behind you AND the weather is nice.  To say I’ve been having a blast this quarter is an understatement.

So a few weeks back I got a last minute invite to a Cinco de Mayo potluck/party.  Problem was people had already signed up for mains and apps and I didn’t want to just contribute booze so I started looking for Mexican-ish dessert ideas.  This lead me to the Alfajor.  Apparently they originate in Spain and Latin America which totally works with the Cinco De Mayo theme.  For the uninitiated the alfajor is a somewhat crumbly cookie that is often filled with dulce de leche or jam and can be dipped in chocolate or dusted with powdered sugar.  In my opinion they are just crack.

It’s moments like this that I wonder if I’m a masochist.  Here I was going to a dinner party with people I don’t know in about 2 hours and here I was about to attempt something I’ve never ever made before.  Isn’t the number one rule of dinner parties to make something familiar? Not if you’re me.  I guess I like to live dangerously.

I did a lot of digging and settled on this recipe from CHOW as my source recipe for the alfajores.  Perhaps the coolest thing about this recipe is that it calls for 1 cup of cornstarch and only 3/4 cups of flour.  This makes for a super crumbly cookie.  I substituted rum for the pisco or brandy in the recipe since it’s what I had on hand. The dough is also a bit of a bitch to work with.  It’s hard to get it to stay together BUT it is forgiving in that you can re-roll is a bunch of times and not really mess it up too bad.

These cookies are honestly my new favourite thing to make.  Since that Cinco de Mayo party I’ve made them two more times and I kind of want to make another batch right now.  It’s hard to resist buttery goodness with a layer of dulce de leche.

Do it.


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3 Responses to Alfajores

  1. Helen says:

    Alfajores are from Argentina, which is incredibly different than Mexico. They are about as different as the US and Mexico, so while alfajores are delicious, they are not in any way related to anythin Mexican.

  2. Andrea says:

    Hi Helen, Alfajores didn‘t originate in Argentina. They were introduced to Latin America via the Spanish and can be found in many countries with Spanish ties. Furthermore, they were introduced to Spain from the Arabs. These little cookies have quite a history.

  3. CC says:

    Regardless of where they originate – they’re spectacular cookies! This recipe looks delicious – thanks for sharing!

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