cheesy garlicky hash brown waffles

I’m officially in the home stretch of my first year of business school. Yay!  At this point I have a final and a take home final separating me from summertime.  The past few weeks have been busy with visitors, weekend excursions and general lollygagging which means I’ve been super lazy about buying groceries.  I honestly am not sure what I’ve been eating over the past few weeks because I really haven’t done a proper grocery shop in ages.  Between runs to Whole Foods for one or two items I’ve had my share of takeout, but last night thought ‘enough is enough!’.  The takeout train needed to end and I decided to come up with a meal based on what was in my fridge/freezer…

Enter: breakfast for dinner.

I had all the fixins in my fridge for a solid breakfast for dinner setup including eggs, bacon, English muffins, avocados etc.  BUT I decided to get funky.  For the longest time I’ve had pinned to my recipes inspiration board.  Essentially you take frozen hash browns and make them in the waffle maker. Sooooo you end up with hash browns with a great ratio of crunchy bits.  Perfection.  I, however, decided to take it up a notch.  Inspired by recent love of twice-baked potatoes I decided to mix in some minced garlic and shredded cheddar cheese to make the best hash browns EVER.

If you have a waffle maker you are golden.  With a bit of cooking spray these should come out of the waffle maker super easy.  These also come out perfectly cooked and with just the right amount of crunch.  If you don’t have a waffle maker I think you could totally make this into “pancakes” and just fry up these suckers.

These will be a welcome addition to your breakfast lineup.



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